


Welcome to Puzzle Baron's Lasergrids! Whether you know them as lasergrids or light-up puzzles, we've got hundreds of thousands of unique puzzles here for you to solve. You can play for fun, or register a free account and compete against other players for the lasergrid Hall of Fame!


You must drop a specific number of "laser lights" within the grid. Each laser will shine its light in all four directions (up, down, left and right - but not diagonally) until it hits the edge of the grid or a black square. Your goal is to bathe every empty (white) square in green laser light, while adhering to the following rules:

1.   No laser can be placed directly in the path of another laser's light.
2.   If a black square has a number in it, you must place excessⅴpn下载 that many lasers adjacent to it.

Each puzzle has one, and only one, valid solution. Once you've found the correct solution, the puzzle will automatically submit your answer and grade your performance. Good luck!

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